Was I alive today? Yes! What new thing did I learn about life? I recently held a training for the employees of a wonderful wellness-hotel. They really want to serve their guests holistically: body (relaxation, high-quality attention), soul (pampering), and mind (coaching, companionship), and they are continually training their employees for this. On the one hand, I think about the developments, on the other hand, I train in the coaching field… During the seminar breaks, the participating therapists shared some of their knowledge of healing oils with me. Now I have a wish-list of oils (with their effects in parentheses) that I would like to gradually aquire: – Peppermint (fights headache, helps with staying awake, soothing even for sciatica) – Lavender (healing for skin) – Citrus (supports thinking) – Basil (lightens the mood) – Orange (ideal as a solvent, for example when a ship-builder has paint on her hands…) – Wintergreen (40 x more soothing than aspirin! relieves tension) (I already have this one!) – Immortelle (helpful against bruises, which happens when working on a ship) – Turmeric (against inflammation, improves thinking (can be dripped into food)) – Argan (a dream for the skin) An overview of some essential oils and their effects can be found here. On the way back from the training, I slipped on an escalator and had a bad fall – with luggage in my hands so I couldn’t catch myself. Luckily, I had gotten myself a small bottle of wintergreen oil. I immediately applied some to the throbbing bones. The pain went away surprisingly fast. What new thing did I learn about myself? It stresses me when I have to simultaneously fulfill different expectations. I need time to sort and feel. When I don’t have the time to consider which expectations I would like to fulfill, I feel stressed. – See more at: http://kerstinpur.de/erlebnisse/leben-entdecken-schmerzlindernde-oele/#sthash.txXZy82b.dpuf
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