Inspirations from Kerstin Hack

Month: October 2002 (Page 1 of 2)

Worship from an Afghan Prison

I am listening to a new CD….clear, soft songs about God´s character and faithfulness. It almost makes me cry. Not just because I like the music and the lyrics, but because I know where these songs of trust in God where written: in prisons somewhere in Afghanistan. They were written by the women of the Shelter Now relief organization who were imprisone in various Afghan Prisons (well more like dungeons). During their time there words of the Bible gave them comfort and peace. The put these words to music and sang to keep their hearts at rest and to remain strong in their trust in God. It is quite another thing to sing “I trust in your faithfulness” or “you are my first love and you will be my last” when you sit in a comfy house or singing it in an Afghan dungeon. And who went back to Afghanistan after the war to help rebuild the

The CD is called: “Worship from an Afghan Prison – Ransom unharmed” and I am helping to distribute it. You can get it from me for 12,80 Euro ( Just send an email with your addresse and the numbers of Cds you want to me:
It might be a really useful christmas gift…(just give it to everyone who thinks that i>his or her life is hard….!)

Or you may wish to contact the offices of Shelter now to find out about their fantastic work and where the CD is available in your country (as much as I know they do not distribute the CD themselves): Have a look at Shelters Homepage.
I know, love and admire the men and women working with shelter (at least some of them) and would love to do everything I can to help support them and the work they do.


The power of money

“Money is a terrible master, but an exellent servant.” P. T. Barnum
In November a seminar will take in Berlin with the title „Die Macht des Geldes“ (The power of money)
As the speaker, Earl Pitts, is a native Canadian, the seminar will be held in English language.
The same seminar will also be held in different other German and Swiss cities: Oelsnitz, München, Aarau, Bern, St. Margarethen.

I personally believe that this will be a key topic.

In a crumbling economy we as christians need to know more than ever how to handle our finances in a god-directed way. How to be led by him and not by money. Would be great to see some of you in Berlin for the seminar (I will be there).

More info:
Germany: Crown – a ministry of Campus Crusade Email:
Switzerland: History´s Handful Email:


Important negotiations

This city has problems. 45 Billion Euro debt. That is twice the amount of money that will be needed to restore the areas affected by the floods this summer. 7.3 Billion of Berlins annual income of 8 Billion is spent on salaries. Right now negotiations are underway between the Berlin government and trade unions to find a solution for this problem…well or

at least some kind of survival mode.
Negotiations of quite an other kind are underway south of Berlin. A number of pastors and their wives have withdrawn for 5 days to meet with one another and with God….and are searching for Gods answers for the spiritual and practical challenges of Berlin.
May all those negotiating for the future of Berlin be blessed.


Value of friendship

Spent the last two days with Derek and Amy, two great friends who are from the US and live in Prague and are linked to one another by art, heart, body, thought in a covenant relationship called marriage. Whenever I did something cool, Derek would comment “You rock”…which is one of my favorite compliments (for those who do not speak rotten English as their first language: “You rock” means: “You are totally cool, great fun to be with, you bring life to dead places, you are

an inspiring person, out of the box thinker, no bore to be with, you have rythm, style and the right beat in life and so on…that is why it is my favorite compliment).
Being with them showed me once again the value of friendship. In Andreas blog she (another friend) wrote: “Love is not genuine if there is no other option!” Love that. And love the fact that people choose to love me – even though they would have another option….


Prayer for Berlin

My friends from USA (now living in Prague) who are visiting are still sleeping…yesterday we had a prayer time for Berlin celebrating the richness of what God is giving us through other nations and what we can give to nations…..wonderful richness….


Words of God

Just found these words of God to Germany on the homepage of two prophetic friends who wrote what they a

re sensing God is saying and feeling for Germany….just scanning through them they touched me deeply….printed them out to let the fathers message touch me more….


Together for Berlin

The network together for Berlin yesterday officially blessed Axel Nehlsen for his new job as the “administrative leader” (Geschaeftsfuehrer). It was a wonderful service, celebrating what God

was and is doing in the city …and will be doing as the body moves closer together. I am excited. And Axel and the other men in the leadership of Together for Berlin are great people. I love them. Glad to be in a city like this.


The power of prayer

In Tamil Nadu, the law against changing your religion includes a clause that it is forbidden to pray for healing for others. Yikes, they mus

t be really afraid of the results of prayer that might lead to a change of religion. Wish we had as much faith as the guys who made the law.

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